Philippine EOR vs. Local Entity: Which is the Better Choice?

When you think of creating business success in the Philippines, the choice is yours whether to consider a Philippine Employer of Record or start off a local company. Both options are like two sides of a coin, with advantages and disadvantages that will be different in each case based on your long-term strategy, objectives, and your company's necessity. This article is going to be dedicated to discussing the good and the bad of both the Philippine EORs and the local corporations, and as a help to you, we are going to mention which road we believe is the best choice for your company.


Philippine Employer of Record (EOR): Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Using an EOR:

  1. Quick Market Entry: With an EOR, you may join the Philippine market swiftly and recruit personnel practically instantly. This is especially useful if you're testing the market or need to begin operations quickly.

  2. Cost-Effective: Using an EOR excludes the need to create a local entity, which may be expensive and time-consuming. You save money on registration fees, legal charges, and administrative costs connected with running a local office.

  3. Simplified Compliance: EORs manage all elements of local labor laws, tax regulations, and employment standards. This decreases the danger of noncompliance and any legal concerns, resulting in smoother operations.

  4. Focus on Core Business:Outsourcing HR responsibilities, payroll, and benefits administration to an EOR allows your organization to focus on its main business activities without having to manage local employment requirements.


Disadvantages of Using an EOR:

  1. Limited Control: Outsourcing HR responsibilities, payroll, and benefits administration to an EOR allows your organization to focus on its main business activities without having to manage local employment requirements.While an EOR administers the employment relationship, you may have limited authority over some parts of employee management and HR regulations, which are overseen by the EOR.

  2. Long-Term Costs: While an EOR is cost - effective in the short term, the annual service costs may become less appealing if you want to maintain a long-term, major presence in the Philippines.

  3. Perception:Some business partners or clients may prefer to engage with organizations who have a direct local presence, which might be observed as a stronger commitment to the market.


Setting Up a Local Entity: Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Forming a Local Entity:

  1. Full Control: You get complete control over your business activities, including personnel management, HR procedures, and corporate culture, by establishing a local organization. Maintaining consistency with your worldwide standards may depend on this.

  2. Brand Presence: Establishing a local presence and reputation for your brand in the Philippines facilitates the development of trust among local partners, customers, and staff.

  3. Long-Term Strategy: Despite the larger initial outlay, creating a local organization may prove to be more economical in the long run if your business plan calls for a sustained commitment to the Philippine market.

  4. Customization: You are free to alter operating methods, pay plans, and employee perks to meet the unique needs of your business.


Disadvantages of Forming a Local Entity:

  1. High Initial Expenses: Forming a local organization entails a number of expenses, such as setting up an office, paying for legal counsel, and employing secretarial staff. The registration procedure takes a significant amount of time to finish.

  2. Complicated Compliance: Handling payroll, taxes, and labor laws internally may be difficult and time-consuming. Fines and legal issues may arise from noncompliance.

  3. Operational Burden: Managing a local firm requires you to shoulder all local employment, HR, and administrative responsibilities, which might take your attention away from your main goals.


Philippine EOR vs. Local Entity: Key Considerations

  1. Business Objectives: An EOR provides an affordable and adaptable alternative if your objective is to rapidly employ a small remote staff or test the market. A local entity could make more sense for a sustained, major presence.

  2. Time to Market: Since an EOR manages all employment-related procedures, they offer a quicker market entrance. On the other hand, establishing a local corporation may need many months.

  3. Compliance and Risk: By handling every aspect of compliance, EORs lower the chance of fines for non-compliance. It could be possible to administer a local corporation if you have the necessary resources and knowledge to deal with local legislation.

  4. Control and Branding: Think about how important it is for your company plan to have complete operational control and a direct brand presence in the Philippines.



 Deciding whether to use a Philippine Employer of Record or opt for a local entity is a choice that is directly influenced by the strategic objectives, the requirements and the financial resources of a company. The EOR model is the best option for companies that are planning to quickly enter the market, to lean their business operations to a smaller remote team, or to comfortably use a cost-effective approach. If, on the other hand, you are looking at long-term strategies where the business must have a major presence in the Philippines and you want total control of the operations, then setting up a local entity would be the more accurate choice. There are no fast rules for this, as, for example, a company that wishes to expand its presence into the Philippines will only be able to tell the best option by putting reasonable demands on their time, money, and staff.


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